Friday 8 December 2017

People management and peers - a short discussion

Who are peers?

Peers are people in your organization who are from similar age group, with similar educational background and may be in similar hierarchy in the organization. Peers are important stakeholder in management. Peers can be from same department or in other. Unlike co-worker or colleague a peer is more socially bonded and may contribute and influence the persons’ behaviour and beliefs.

Peers can be play intrinsic role both professionally:

A peer contributes towards professional growth, especially at entry level;
A peer contributes towards achievement of organizational objectives;
Peer is seen less as a competitor and more as a support;
Better co-ordination;
Deliverable are related and hence peers collaborate;
Conflicts are managed better as conflicts deter deliverables. Solutions sometime turn out to be out of the box and innovative;
Positives of peers get importance within the relationship;
Clarity in understanding the business context in which peers work;
Unofficial feedbacks on work related matters help in timely recovery;
Sharing of expertise ensures accomplishment of work;
Reciprocity in work related support;
Support in each other responsibilities;
Idea centric collaboration is possible when peers co-create and execute an idea. Very important if the organization is under budgetary pressure;
Peer network creates value for the company;

and personally:

With similar knowledge and skills they complement each other;
Capabilities are enhanced as a peer influences a person to learn more;
Complements results in respect which help in building partnership;
Support and co-operation;
Friendship outside the office politics;
Fall back network of friendship and acquaintance;
Honest and transparent relationship;
Feedback on assessment of personal nature without egos.

Issues between peers

Non-aligned expertise;
Differences will keep surfacing but should be dealt harmoniously;
Departments should not be seen as boundaries;
Lack of clarity of common objectives between different departments/verticals;
Common goal is perceived by one of the partner as individual goal of his peer;
Sharing resources as human, financial or material may lead to inter-personal conflicts. Such conflicts should be sorted out among peers effectively;
Conflicts should be within the professional sphere, like task or work. Conflicts resolution should be swift and in general should be minimized. Personal conflicts are difficult to manage and can lead to breakage of relationship;
Blame game. Cornering peer creates the biggest inter-personal conflict;
Peer needs to periodical review and give feedback. Recipient should take it positively and the peer who is reviewing should lend a hand for betterment.


Vinay Pandey, 08/12/2017

PS : If you have a suggestion or have noticed a mistake, please leave a comment.

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